Have you heard?

Pumped Love was created by the Exclusive Pumping Institute to better assist exclusive pumpers specifically! We are talking FREE LIVE Virtual EP Support Groups, an Exclusive Pumper Quiz, Exclusive Pumping Products, and most important sharing the faces of Exclusive Pumping through Exclusive Pumping Advocacy globally.
Are you interested in moving the initiative of representing exclusive pumping globally forward? Check out Pumped Love Advocacy for details on how to get your photo promoted on Pumped Love.
What you'll find at EPI
At the Exclusively Pumping Institute you will find more educational and research to assist you on your exclusive pumping journey. I know how much feeding your baby any amount of breastmilk is important to you. I also know that many of you are grieving the loss of being able to nurse your baby. Many parents to newborns do not chose to exclusively pump. But guess what? There are over 100,000 lactating people (Facebook, 2020)* who have or are EPing for their babies. Many lactation consultants are well meaning, but unfortunately they have no extensive course time spent in how to help us. We have different goals, needs and questions than nursing parents. It’s time to normalize exclusive pumping as a way to feed our children.
While the Institute firmly believes in educating the lactation professionals who serve us as their clients, take a look around the Pumper Resources for more EP education for the EPer!